A Splash of Color

I can finally say I participated in a 5K (note how I didn’t say “run,” because I was a poor excuse of an athlete.) I really need to start exercising more, and probably correctly. It wasn’t a crazy competitive race 5K, it was the COLOR RUN! The premise of the race is that it is the Happiest 5K on Earth. It was quite interesting, going through the checkpoints and getting plastered with colored cornstarch. I started to run out of breath not so long into the run, which was really sad. I felt bad for my “running” companion, because she was pushing me to keep running when I really wasn’t feeling it. I made it though! And it wasn’t as bad as I thought. There was a lot of free goodies too! I’m glad I had this experience.

I’m motivated to do the Warrior Dash now. I’m trying to see if anyone else will do it with me. We’ll see! I really hope I don’t overexert myself.

On another note, externship/rotations is coming so soon. I’m seriously more afraid of these than the finals coming up, because I want to be able to survive and actually learn. I’m pretty excited though :) I just hope nothing bad happens.. I always somehow find bad luck or big obstacles, but I guess those can all just be learning experiences, right?

There has been a huge surge of European boy band love, and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to get caught up in it. Until I found out about One Direction (1D). I didn’t know they were grouped by X Factor, and that they all auditioned individually. I just find that extremely intriguing because they are just 5 random guys that can sing but had never met before the show and only had a few weeks to get it together as a group. And I’ve seen them sing, and their voices work pretty well together. It’s just unbelievable. I don’t think their music is all that original, but their songs are catchy and upbeat. I’ve been noticing that they always sing in a certain order and each boy usually gets a solo/their own part in the song, which is pretty nice to still get to have independence in the group and not pushed into the background.

I don’t know if you guys will appreciate this, but when I first heard this song, it made me feel lovely inside :)

Old Souls

Reconnecting with so many old friends this month. It’s nice to know that even after years and miles apart, you can still be comfortable with them. I didn’t realize I missed so much while I was in pharmacy school, and didn’t realize half the crazy/silly things we did in high school. Such interesting recaps of events… who would’ve forgotten being in a car trunk?

Keeping up friendships over years is hard work, but the few hours with them is worth it. Interesting to see how catching up with friends can make you realize who they truly are.. it can go both ways. Unfortunately,  I recently had to deal with friends who I thought were true but really were just masters of disguise. I guess some people are just not who you think they are sometimes.. (obviously)

Recently was feeling down about inadequacy and success in pharmacy school, but I’m going to work hard to finish this last semester, then I’ll worry about that later.

On to better and brighter things!

Sweet and Sour

Midterms done. I feel more relieved this time, but I just got a couple of grades back and they were just average. I’m just a little bit  upset because I studied pretty well, and I went into the exams confident I did better than what I got. But I guess in retrospective, I could have done more.. could have been more on top of it. But I’m more than grateful that I’m passing and doing fine, since I know there might be people out there who aren’t doing well at all. It’s a struggle just trying so hard all the time and not seeing results. I’m patient, but how far can I get by always just being average?

Had a nice dinner tonight (finally) at the Breadfruit Tree. Took more than 10 minutes to actually find the place, which is in the middle of nowhere. Noticed how cozy houseboats look, considered living like that in the future (easy travel, no possessions) but remembered that the last time I was on a boat, I was severely seasick. We’ll see… interesting thought.

Just caught up with the Season 3 premiere of Pretty Little Liars. I know it’s dumb to talk about some tween show based on a book that counts as a guilty pleasure, but I just had to write this out because I doubt I’ll ever get to talk to this about someone else. Highlights – Hanna’s new short hair and outfit (the long/short maxi dress looked tacky), “bitch crazy”, “superballs”, and the not so subtle tints of “mystery” — Wren’s “mental illness” and Mona’s hallucination (?) of Ali. I was a bit surprised that they let Emily take off her pants like that (ABC Family, really?), and how they had Spencer say she was “waiting”. Oh, and I liked the homage to the way they found Ali missing, after drinks, an open door, Spencer missing, etc.. Or was that just a coincidence?

Oh and on the topic of TV, stumbled across this gem today: http://screen.yahoo.com/burning-love-episode-1-29519689.html. It’s a web series titled ‘Burning Love’ but it’s the most off-color parody of the Bachelor you could imagine.

Back to work! On my to-do list – design a website, start on a research presentation, and finish the shitload of assignments that are due in a few days. Have fun!

P.S. Someone is obviously drunkenly trying to move around outside. What is going on !?!

Take me

This song makes me want to run to the beach and just go crazy. But that’s definitely out of a movie (maybe The Notebook) and there are no beaches near me, nor is there a beach that will look as nice as the one I’ve pictured in my head (golden warm sand, the sun shining with the just the right amount of breeze).

It’s midterms week. I’m not freaking out, but apparently everyone else is. Should I be freaking out? this is the last set of midterms I’ll be taking, hopefully. I should be putting 110% into it, shouldn’t I? I think I’ll be fine.. I’m over it already.

This seems petty – but my computer started to turn off my wireless randomly. White/rich people problem. I fixed it, I think. But in the small stresses of my life, it was damn frustrating.

I need to be a better friend. I don’t really “hang out” with anyone. Is that normal?


I have a love/hate relationship with the internet right now.

I love that they have all these resources..mail, images, stories, it’s a wonderful place to get caught up (at the right time and place).

But I hate that when I’m focused on looking for something specific, they don’t guide you to the right place or they have ‘premium content’ that’s supposed to be free and open to the public.(er, America’s Test Kitchen)

I wish everything was on Wikipedia, especially therapeutics and recipes… that would make my life easier. Or at least save me hours of searching. I guess no one can give you a simple answer anymore, huh?